Killing' It Week 2: Power, Prestige, Possessions

Killing' It Week 2: Power, Prestige, Possessions

There is a sin that is so common to the human experience, it is the gateway to all other sins. It promises to make us bigger, better, and more important, but only makes us smaller and meaner. It strips us of our capacity to connect with others. It stands between us and our heavenly Father. So, what is “it” and how do we kill it?

Pursuit Week 3: Fearless

Pursuit Week 3: Fearless

In life, we pursue our greatest desires. We pursue relationships, careers, happiness, goals, and dreams. What about Faith? Belief? We think that faith is passive. You either have faith or you don’t… right? Jesus came for something entirely different.

You are invited to something other than Religion. A Pursuit. He says, “I came that you may have life and have it to the full.”

Pursuit Week 2: Steps Of Pursuit

Pursuit Week 2: Steps Of Pursuit

In life, we pursue our greatest desires. We pursue relationships, careers, happiness, goals, and dreams. What about Faith? Belief? We think that faith is passive. You either have faith or you don’t… right? Jesus came for something entirely different.

You are invited to something other than Religion. A Pursuit. He says, “I came that you may have life and have it to the full.”