Messages at Downtown Community

During the year we pick and topic and talk about it over a four to six week series.  Whether you're out of town, want to find out more, or just want to listen again, check out past series below.  You can also subscribe to our podcast via the two links below.

Daring Faith: A new series about how we find life through our faith in God.

February 2025: Love Is

God shows us that love is others focused. We, however, want it to benefit us. How can we learn to trust God’s wisdom, and ultimately experience the very thing we long for?

November Series: Story

October Series: Branded

You were made for work. You can find meaning and purpose in the work you do no matter the circumstance. Join us in October for this three week conversation.

Community: An Unstoppable Force

Join us as we discover how to find and keep lasting friendships and great community in the city you live.

July Series: Small Things Big Difference

New Summer Series: Faith

May 12th: Mother’s Day

May 5th: Why We Go

April 2024: Elusive

We think if I just take “this” step, then I’ll be good. We forgot that we said that about where we are now. The next thing isn’t always the next thing. So, how do we improve but still find joy? Join us for Elusive.

March 2024: Breathing Room

Breathing room is the space between our current pace and our limits. We like to live life as if we have no limits and can continually push the boundaries of life. But living life constantly at the edge eventually catches up to you and the collateral damage is never worth the price. Learn key principles and find real peace, and be ready for whatever life throws at you.

February 2024: I DO

We want a relationship.  We want someone to sweep us off our feet.  We want someone to share life with.  But what about someone to say…I DO? Is Marriage really a forever commitment?  How do we get the great stuff we want and not the pain we’ve watched from the past?  Join us for this powerful series on marriage that will help you find the beauty you long to see one day.

January 2024: Rhythms

Establishing the most important rhythms will help set the tone for the coming year ahead. Join us each Sunday in January. And, check out the conversations below.

Christmas 2023: Fear Not

The story of Christmas is a life giving message that will always speak to the current circumstance of your life. What we find is something real. A story with trouble, fear, and difficulty. But a savior stepped into that story and made a way for joy, despite what we face. Join us this Christmas and discover what it really means to Fear Not.

November Series: Being Rich

How will you impact the world and find peace? Join us this month as we find out how to be Rich…in good works.

October Series: TO LIFE

You are invited to a journey. A Relationship. That is deeply and personally yours. Not to religion. To Life. Join us this fall as we look into what it means to follow Christ and discover a full life.

Summer Series: WIN
Starting June 18th, 11AM

Join us this summer as we tackle the misconception that Jesus isn’t about winning. We say phrases like “lose yourself” or “submit to one another” and think maybe this isn’t for me. It’s time to get clarity in how we can actually begin to win. Join us as we explore how God is preparing us to win. This summer it’s time to start winning!

Easter 2023

Jesus’ followers didn’t expect his resurrection, because that would be unbelievable! But the miracle did happen and their lives changed forever. Your questions about a miracle are also understandable, and expected! If you allow, the evidence will lead you to belief, just like Jesus’ first followers.

Past Series

Check Out our past series below:

Christmas 2022: Light of the World

We love the Christmas season and want it to the the most wonderful time of the year. So what do you do when your Christmas season is too busy, or hard, or complicated? Join us and find out how the joy of Christmas can exist, in all circumstances.

NOPE: New Fall Series

Are the 10 Commandments Relevant? What kind of God says “Thou Shalt Not”? Ever wonder what the 10 Commandments mean? Join us this fall as we turn the 10 Commandments on their head and discover something totally unexpected. Starting Sunday, October 23rd

Summer Series: ASK IT

What if there was a question that would clarify your best option for ninety percent of the decisions you make in life—a question that answers just about everything? It would have the potential to foolproof your relationships, marriage, finances, calendar, pace, and health. It would reduce the complexity of your life. It would save you time, money, and tears. You would carry around less regret. And best of all, you wouldn’t have to apologize nearly as much.


Sometimes things get out of wack. Your car veers to the right, your back is off, or your diet isn’t very beneficial to you. You need a Realignment. The same is true with our relationship with God. Join us for this impactful series starting May 22nd.


The practical side of our daily lives comes down to a series of choices. When the pressure is on, how do you make the right call?

Lose Yourself

February & March Series

February 13th Message: In times of uncertainty and rebuilding God answer has always been to use us. How can we engage?

Guardrails - 2022 New Series

Transportation is filled with guardrails, protecting you from dangers that could be. What about our own lives? Do we need personal guardrails? As you set goals and think about the year ahead, finding personal areas of your heart to protect will keep you from future regrets…and help you achieve the things you plan for.

Being Rich

New November Series. Join us this month as we learn what it means to Be Rich and as we take three steps: Give, Serve, and Love.

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Best ____ Ever
Sunday October Series

When it comes to relationships, we can always use some advice. But, when it comes to marriage, dating, or even friendships, can you REALLY have the best ____ ever? What if you knew God wanted you to experience that? We all want it, but how do we get it? Join us this October, fill in the blank and find your Best ____ ever.

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You Believe That?

The Christian faith believes a lot of things.  Maybe you’ve talked about your faith, or you yourself have investigated it.  It ultimately will lead to this question: Do you believe that?  When we have serious doubts and questions, can that really lead to faith?  Find out with us this September at DCC. 


New Summer Series:
You’re Not The Boss of Me

We all strive for Autonomy. We are baffled in our culture when we see people who have it all make dumb decisions and throw it away. We think, "Once I call my own shots, I'll call all the right shots". Maybe your right, but there's something you MUST know in order for that to be true. Join us this summer for a life impacting series.

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Why We GO

We’re celebrating GO Jersey City 2021! Why is it so important for us to serve our city alongside our neighbors? Listen into the motivation behind what we do at DCC.

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redeeming the story of work

Few other pursuits in our life have the ability to impact lives like Work does. Many times we feel like work has been branded, imprinted, on us for life. In Branded, we are going to turn this idea around and redeem the story of work. Join us in march as we look at core principles that will impact your work, no matter what stage in life you are in.

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Lifted: We feel the weight of the world on us. As Christians we believe we have the best answer to the problems we face in the world. The hope we talk about is real. This series we want you to be lifted from the things that weigh you down in life.

define it

If I don’t do ____ then I’ll never be _____

Culture around us constantly calls us to the urgent.  The small things that don’t actually matter dominate our days.  Undefined pressure drives our lives and regret eventually follows. This summer let’s turn this around and define what IT really is. Discover 5 principles God has given us to walk away from pressure and bring confidence to the future.

We are rewarded when we heed the call of patience, wisdom in light of the future. God has given us a wealth of wisdom, and as we follow him we’ll reap the reward of wisdom.  Join us for 5 essential principles for walking away from pressure.