Pursuit Week 1: Not A Religion

Pursuit Week 1: Not A Religion

In life, we pursue our greatest desires. We pursue relationships, careers, happiness, goals, and dreams. What about Faith? Belief? We think that faith is passive. You either have faith or you don’t… right? Jesus came for something entirely different.

You are invited to something other than Religion. A Pursuit. He says, “I came that you may have life and have it to the full.”

GOAT Week 4: Abraham & Celebration

GOAT Week 4: Abraham  & Celebration

Who is the Greatest Of All Time?  The G.O.A.T.?  Will the greatest still be the greatest 100 years from now?  Those who achieve the highest possible place, in his or her respective pursuits, constantly enamor us.  But, in comparison, our lives can feel ordinary or lacking.  But that is not the truth.  You and I have been called to a greater story, one that is the greatest of all time.  Your story does matter.  When the world is full of darkness around us we don’t live like those without any hope.  “They run for a medal that fades, we run for one that’s gold eternally.”  The G.O.A.T.

GOAT Week 3: Early Church

GOAT Week 3: Early Church

Who is the Greatest Of All Time?  The G.O.A.T.?  Will the greatest still be the greatest 100 years from now?  Those who achieve the highest possible place, in his or her respective pursuits, constantly enamor us.  But, in comparison, our lives can feel ordinary or lacking.  But that is not the truth.  You and I have been called to a greater story, one that is the greatest of all time.  Your story does matter.  When the world is full of darkness around us we don’t live like those without any hope.  “They run for a medal that fades, we run for one that’s gold eternally.”  The G.O.A.T.

GOAT Week 2: Daniel

GOAT Week 2: Daniel

Who is the Greatest Of All Time?  The G.O.A.T.?  Will the greatest still be the greatest 100 years from now?  Those who achieve the highest possible place, in his or her respective pursuits, constantly enamor us.  But, in comparison, our lives can feel ordinary or lacking.  But that is not the truth.  You and I have been called to a greater story, one that is the greatest of all time.  Your story does matter.  When the world is full of darkness around us we don’t live like those without any hope.  “They run for a medal that fades, we run for one that’s gold eternally.”  The G.O.A.T.

GOAT Week 1: Esther

GOAT Week 1: Esther

Who is the Greatest Of All Time?  The G.O.A.T.?  Will the greatest still be the greatest 100 years from now?  Those who achieve the highest possible place, in his or her respective pursuits, constantly enamor us.  But, in comparison, our lives can feel ordinary or lacking.  But that is not the truth.  You and I have been called to a greater story, one that is the greatest of all time.  Your story does matter.  When the world is full of darkness around us we don’t live like those without any hope.  “They run for a medal that fades, we run for one that’s gold eternally.”  The G.O.A.T.

Amazing Relationships Week 4: Friendship

Amazing Relationships Week 4: Friendship

We want amazing.  We dream of amazing.   Sometimes you get amazing right from the start….just wait long enough and difficulties will come.  It is normal.  It is necessary.  If you understand this you can build a foundation for amazing.  You can even experience it during the difficulties!  Some of you think it will only be difficult, but God’s truths say different.  This September lets find Amazing Dates, Family, Marriages, & Friendships.

Amazing Relationships Week 3: Marriage

Amazing Relationships Week 3: Marriage

We want amazing.  We dream of amazing.   Sometimes you get amazing right from the start….just wait long enough and difficulties will come.  It is normal.  It is necessary.  If you understand this you can build a foundation for amazing.  You can even experience it during the difficulties!  Some of you think it will only be difficult, but God’s truths say different.  This September lets find Amazing Dates, Family, Marriages, & Friendships.