Amazing Relationships Week 4: Friendship

Amazing Relationships Week 4: Friendship

We want amazing.  We dream of amazing.   Sometimes you get amazing right from the start….just wait long enough and difficulties will come.  It is normal.  It is necessary.  If you understand this you can build a foundation for amazing.  You can even experience it during the difficulties!  Some of you think it will only be difficult, but God’s truths say different.  This September lets find Amazing Dates, Family, Marriages, & Friendships.

Amazing Relationships Week 3: Marriage

Amazing Relationships Week 3: Marriage

We want amazing.  We dream of amazing.   Sometimes you get amazing right from the start….just wait long enough and difficulties will come.  It is normal.  It is necessary.  If you understand this you can build a foundation for amazing.  You can even experience it during the difficulties!  Some of you think it will only be difficult, but God’s truths say different.  This September lets find Amazing Dates, Family, Marriages, & Friendships.

Amazing Relationships Week 2: Family

Amazing Relationships Week 2: Family

We want amazing.  We dream of amazing.   Sometimes you get amazing right from the start….just wait long enough and difficulties will come.  It is normal.  It is necessary.  If you understand this you can build a foundation for amazing.  You can even experience it during the difficulties!  Some of you think it will only be difficult, but God’s truths say different.  This September lets find Amazing Dates, Family, Marriages, & Friendships.

Amazing Relationships Week 1: Dates – Family – Marriage – Friendship

Amazing Relationships Week 1: Dates – Family – Marriage – Friendship

In this series there are two secret truths about all relationships we are learning. 

It is this: Every successful relationship requires difficulty.  And, I can trust God’s truths with my relationships. 

We want amazing.  We dream of amazing.   Sometimes you get amazing right from the start….just wait long enough and difficulties will come.  It is normal.  It is necessary.  If you understand this you can build a foundation for amazing.  You can even experience it during the difficulties!  Some of you think it will only be difficult, but God’s truths say different.  This September lets find Amazing Dates, Family, Marriages, & Friendships.

In this series we will look out foundational steps to help us walk towards amazing in our dating life, family life, marriage or future marriage, and friendships.