We love Jersey City!  

Leverage your time or money to give back to your city, and
support of the organizations below that serve our community well.  

GO Jersey City www.gojc.org

Join your neighbors and help make Jersey City better by joining us on an annual community-wide service day in June.


New City Kids http://newcitykids.org/jerseycity/volunteer/

Donate your time or expertise to impact the life of a child in a Jersey City in their after-school program or teen-life mentorship program.  


The Sharing Place http://stpauljerseycity.org/stpaul/social-ministries/sharing-place/#Volunteers

Donate money to the largest food bank in Jersey City, The Sharing Place. The Sharing Place offers bags of groceries or ready-made meals to needy people on the last two Saturdays of every month, 8 am to noon. They serve 6,000 families annually.


St. Lucy's Shelter http://www.ccannj.com/st_Lucy.php

Donate food, toiletries or cleaning supplies to St. Lucy's Shelter.  St. Lucy's serves 170 homeless in 3 programs every day.  They also partner with a network of shelters in Jersey City that support women, men who are HIV positive, and families with disabilities.


York St. Project http://yorkstreetproject.org/ways-to-give/

Donate money or items to the York St. Project that provides shelter, food and education to promote the healing and independence of persons in need, especially women and their children. http://yorkstreetproject.org/ways-to-give/


Hope House http://www.ccannj.com/hope_house.php

Donate food, toiletries or cleaning supplies to Hope House.  Hope House serves women and children and provides short-term supervised residence, including three meals a day, assessment/planning, case management, housing, education, food, and clothing. 


Grace Van Vorst Breakfast Plus http://www.gracecommunityjc.org/index.html

Join the Grace Community Service volunteers every Saturday and Sunday to serve a hot, delicious and nutritious breakfast.