Parent Cue App
Download the app here. You have 936 weeks of influence from the time your child is born until they graduate high school. Parent Cue helps you count the weeks and connects you with practical things to read, do, or say to help you engage with the heart of your child this week.
The Jesus Storybook Bible: A beautifully written and illustrated Bible for children of all ages.
Adventure Bible for Early Readers: An easy-to-read Bible for kids learning to read the Bible on their own.
The Action Bible: A comic book Bible great for Elementary kids.
Parenting Your… Book Series Each year your child changes so much! Each book includes guides based on experience and research to help you know what your child needs most through the year they are in.
Raising Emotionally Strong Boys: Tools Your Son Can Build On for Life
Raising Worry-Free Girls: Helping Your Daughter Feel Braver, Stronger, and Smarter in an Anxious World
Parenting the Wholehearted Child: Captivating Your Child's Heart with God's Extravagant Grace
Are My Kids on Track?: The 12 Emotional, Social, and Spiritual Milestones Your Child Needs to Reach
Wild Things: The Art of Nurturing Boys